Do you follow your monthly horoscope? Do you enjoy talking about all things hair care-related? Yes? Then you’re going to love our monthly (hair)oscopes! At the beginning of each month, our resident hairstylist/astrologer Dylan Chavles will look to the cosmos to reveal what the month has in store for both you and your hair. See what lies ahead for your love life, career, potential new haircut, and more below!

Hello Sag, and happy birthday! Let’s literally rake in all of the money you have the capacity to make this month, and most of 2020! Jupiter, the planet of luck, enters your 2nd house of money and earthly pleasures. December is an amazing opportunity to figure out what gifts you have to offer people, and possibly how to turn something you enjoy in life into a way to make money. The 2nd house also illuminates your self-worth, and this is a perfect opportunity to change any negative ways you treat yourself. December is giving you an incredible opportunity to rid yourself of anything that doesn’t make you happy, particularly with how you deal with yourself and the workplace. On the 25th, a new moon AND solar eclipse will take place in your 2nd house, as well. Make sure your finances are in order, and maybe make a list of the things you prioritize. This energy is encouraging you to start a new business and really include your personality in whatever you embark on. Anything you can do to bring your desires to the forefront in your life is crucial, so why don’t you spearhead 2020 with the hair color your mother’s hairdresser wouldn’t let you have?

My dear Capricorn, happy birthday to some of you! This month, Jupiter enters your 1st house of identity, where she will remain for most of 2020. This means it’s time to stop hiding yourself and your needs if you have been. December wants you to get ready for a year of serving yourself in whatever form that takes. Whether this means focusing on your career or taking a step back and getting to know yourself, the upcoming year is going to highlight the part of yourself that’s maybe been hiding in the shadows. On December 25th, a new moon and solar eclipse will also take place in your first house. The new moon will guide you out of aspects in your life that aren’t serving you anymore so you can start the new year fresh. You have a tendency to live in the past, and this planetary shift is pushing you to focus on what you have in front of you. It could be an old argument you’re still spiraling about or the anxiety around not ever using a leave-in conditioner. Just know you have the power to change it!

Hello Aquarius, welcome to a powerful end of the year! December kicks off with Jupiter, the planet of luck and abundance, entering your 12th house of spirituality and extreme depth. Jupiter will remain here for most of 2020, giving you an opportunity to dig up old traumas, obsessive thoughts, and addictive aspects of your personality. December is going to help you release aspects of yourself that don’t serve you anymore. 2020 is moving into the age of Aquarius, giving you a helping hand into transforming yourself. December is a great time to figure out what brings you true peace. Think about what really grounds you this month, because you’ll need something to hold onto during these massive and expansive changes. On December 25th, a new moon and solar eclipse will also take place in your 12th house, really pushing you to let go of things that don’t serve you anymore. If you’ve wanted to tap into something more esoteric, now is the time to explore that. If getting haircuts regularly seems otherworldly to you, maybe it’s time to include that on this earthly plane.

Hello my sensitive Pisces, your co-ruler Jupiter, is changing signs this month! Jupiter will reside in your 11th house of community and social causes for December and most of 2020. Your focus this month will be about bringing people together and maybe pulling away from people that don’t serve you anymore. The 11th house encourages us to create bonds with people that fulfill us. This also means reaching out to people when you’re down and being of service to those that need you as well. You also have a new moon and solar eclipse on December 25th in your 11th house, which will push you to really decide who is worth your precious time. You have so much to offer, and this new moon will highlight the people and places worth your energy. Make sure to give only if you feel fulfilled in some aspects. That might even mean giving yourself the gift of a customized deep conditioner, loaded with the nutrients and vitamins your hair needs to thrive in 2020.

My fiery ram—welcome to the end of the year! December kicks off with Jupiter, the planet of luck, moving into your 10th house of authority, where it will stay for most of 2020. This is a powerful placement for figuring out where you want your life direction to go. Whether it be work or personal, you have luck on your side to take full control over any large shift you want to make. On December 25th, a solar eclipse will take place in your 10th house, encouraging you to share yourself! This solar eclipse is asking you to march into the year with your most authentic, loving, and freakiest version of you! Let your true freak out for 2020 and treat yourself to the most unconventional and powerful haircut you’ve always wanted.

Hello Taurus, December is an exciting month to end on this year! Jupiter, the planet of luck, is making its annual shift. For 2020, Jupiter will be living in your 9th house of knowledge, spirituality, and travel. This coming year will be about searching beyond the realm of earthly pleasures for things that make you happy. This placement encourages you to travel physically as well, so any trips you embark on will be successful ones. Mars is also in your house of relationships this month, pushing you to spark a new relationship or friendship if you feel you should! On December 25th, a solar eclipse will take place in your 9th house, forcing you to expand your horizons spiritually and emotionally, maybe even forcing you to change your shampoo and conditioner to something more tailored to your 2020 transformation. Happy holidays!

Dear Gemini, gear up for 2020! December is preparing you to dig deep for the year ahead. Jupiter, the planet of luck, is moving into your 8th house. The 8th house rules sex, death, other people’s money, and the “taboo.” Looking inwards isn’t your favorite activity, but Jupiter is going to hold your hand through a fun year of ending habits that don’t work for you, and finding new ways of navigating your feelings. A lunar eclipse will happen in your sign on December 11th, shining a light on things you could change and how to change them. Take advantage of the information you receive during this time. While you’re improving bad habits during the lunar eclipse, maybe upgrade to a paraben-free leave-in conditioner.

My little crab, the planet of fortune, Jupiter, is moving into your house of relationships for December and almost all of 2020! This is great news for my single Cancers who want to be in a relationship because it’s bound to hit you over the head. This is scary news for my Cancers in relationships who feel like they have aspects of their relationships they need to change (because we all know you hate rocking the boat). If this is the case, Jupiter will shine a light on things that aren’t working for you anymore and will guide you out of them for the better. On December 25th, a solar eclipse will also take place in your house of relationships, asking you to reassess your boundaries and relationship dynamics. Remember that it’s never too late to change the way you want to be treated, and make sure to treat yourself to a clarifying shampoo to help rid you of any old energy you don’t want to drag into the new year!

Hello my fiery lion! The end of the year is gearing you up for a new year of service to yourself and to people on a daily basis. Jupiter, the planet of luck, makes its annual transition into your 6th house of health and service. December 2019 will bring up questions like, “What do I do for the world?,” “What can I do to better myself?,” and “How do I operate on a daily basis?” Jupiter will also magnify any positive changes you make to your habits. On December 25th, a solar eclipse happens in your 6th house, really encouraging you to take care of your body. This solar eclipse will highlight how you treat your body and encourage you to be nicer to it in the new year. Self-care also looks like treating yourself to a sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner. Bring yours to the gym this month to ensure you’re not using the strange one at the gym (it’s 100% dish soap).

Hello, my beautiful Virgo, welcome to December! The biggest astrological shift this month is Jupiter making its yearly migration. Jupiter enters your 5th house of love and creativity for December 2019 and most of 2020. Your job this month is to take your creative endeavors head on. Mercury is out of retrograde, and December is a perfect time to bring new projects to fruition. Jupiter will also illuminate what is hindering your creativity and love life, but because she’s the planet of luck, you’ll have a hand to hold through any uncomfortable changes you want to make in these areas of your life. On December 25th, a solar eclipse will also take place in your 5th house, giving you any final pushes you need to embark on a new year of creative endeavors. With all of this assertion and new energy, why don’t you take yourself to the hair salon and say to your stylist, “okay fine, you can give me bangs today.”

Welcome to the most explosive month of the year! Jupiter, the planet of luck, is entering your 4th house of home, where it will reside for the rest of 2020. Stability, your roots, your home, and your family will be illuminated this month. This house rules death and rebirth to an extent, and this should not always be taken literally, but should be taken as a death of old patterns that make us feel “at home.” Whether they’re old dynamics or literally an old house your sick of living in, December will gear you up to make a change in what makes you feel safe. On the 25th, a solar eclipse/new moon combo will also take place in your 4th house. This eclipse will dig up old emotional patterns that don’t serve you anymore. These aren’t comfortable changes, but they’re perfectly timed to roll into the new year with. While you’re weeding out old habits this month, why don’t you start 2020 off with a new heat-protecting leave-in treatment?

Dear Scorpio, December is getting you ready for a year of direct communication! Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, will enter your 3rd house of communications, and it will stay here for most of 2020. This transition will focus on how you use your mind and words, and how to use them productively. You’re not known for being direct with your peers or easy on yourself, and 2020 will be about softening the way you speak to yourself and being honest with those around you. December is a great time to also expand your skillset or embark on a new one. If there’s something you’ve been wanting to learn or try, you’re going to have an easy time doing it in December. A new moon and solar eclipse also take place on December 25th, again in your house of communications. You’ll be forced to look at your obsessive thinking and how you can maybe quell the thoughts that don’t serve you anymore. Maybe focus your obsessions on concocting the perfect deep conditioning mask instead, I promise it’s more rewarding than whatever you’re stressing out about.
Illustrations by Nicole Wang