If you know anything about us here at Function of Beauty, it’s that if there’s one thing we’re obsessed with more than hair it’s our pets. We’ve been known to have more than a few dogs running around our office on any given day and as such, have developed quite the little team of canine colleagues. And since they’re such an essential part of our team here, we’d thought we’d take the time to introduce you to all of them. Get to know all of the Function pups below!

Name: Winnie
Hair type: Curly – medium
Hair goals: Anti-aging, curl definition, volumizing, color protection, and shine.
Favorite toy: A little stuffed octopus. I call it my little lover (don’t ask).
Favorite person to visit at Function of Beauty: Ricardo, because he gives me treats.
Favorite treat: blueberries and carrots
Favorite post-work activity: Lying in the middle of a king-sized bed and completely taking it over so that no one else can lie down, even though I only weigh 12 pounds.
Favorite nap area: See above. Also, anywhere that’s in the middle of foot traffic.
Favorite delivery person to bark at: I’m a democratic dog. I bark at every delivery person evenly. One person, one bark!
Favorite meeting to sit in on: The web development meeting because that’s where my mom goes.

Dog’s name: Moe
Hair type: Straight – medium
Hair goals: Shine, anti-aging, soothe scalp/full body. Is there an anti-shed??
Favorite toy: A four-foot stuffed caterpillar. See also: my best friend.
Favorite person to visit at Function of Beauty: Ricardo, because he gives me treats.
Favorite treat: All treats. Except carrots—don’t trust ‘em.
Favorite post-work activity: Spending all day looking cute in a sweater and keeping the kitchen floor clean is hard work, so I like to treat myself to several naps and a big dinner.
Favorite nap area: I find that other people’s beds are most comfy.
Favorite delivery person to bark at: I don’t bark. I prefer a firm stare.
Favorite meeting to sit in on: I’m very paws-on, so I like to attend all meetings. But I really enjoy consumer focus groups and photoshoots where there are new people to appreciate my tricks.

Dog’s name: Pony
Hair type: Straight – fine
Hair goals: Shine, deep condition, and hydrate.
Favorite toy: Mouse King
Favorite person to visit at Function of Beauty: Ricardo, because he gives me treats.
Favorite treat: Cheerios!
Favorite post-work activity: Sniffing butts at the dog park (don’t judge).
Favorite nap area: My mom’s bed or in the one sliver of sunlight the apartment gets.
Favorite delivery person to bark at: All of them. Literally, every single one.
Favorite meeting to sit in on: The weekly creative review meeting. I get a lot of attention there.

Dog’s name: Theo
Hair type: Straight – fine
Hair goals: Shine, strengthen, volumize, hydrate, and anti-aging.
Favorite toy: My plush duck with all the stuffing removed.
Favorite person to visit at Function of Beauty: Ricardo, because he gives me treats.
Favorite treat: Soft salmon bites
Favorite post-work activity: Hunting squirrels
Favorite nap area: The couch is always a solid option.
Favorite delivery person to bark at: I love getting new packages, so no barking for me.
Favorite meeting to sit in on: The weekly creative review is always fun.

Dog’s name: Eleanor “Ellie” Roosevelt
Hair type: Straight/wavy – fine
Hair goals: Hydrate, nourish roots, and shine.
Favorite toy: My new hedgehog. His name is Anthony.
Favorite person to visit at Function of Beauty: Ricardo, because he gives me treats.
Favorite treat: I prefer banana and/or peanut butter flavored treats.
Favorite post-work activity: Sleeping. A gal of my age (almost 14!) needs her beauty rest.
Favorite nap area: Any soft surface will do. Preferably right up against my parents giving them no personal space whatsoever.
Favorite delivery person to bark at: What’s barking?
Favorite meeting to sit in on: The web development team because they use the big room with lots of soft surfaces.

Dog’s name: Reese
Hair type: Straight – medium
Hair goals: Anti-aging, shine, and hydrate.
Favorite toy: Sometimes I like to play with my food, so food!
Favorite person to visit at FOB: Ricardo, because he gives me treats.
Favorite treat: Anything. Literally, anything.
Favorite post-work activity: Running around my backyard in Catawissa, PA!
Favorite nap area: My fluffy bed at the Function of Beauty office.
Favorite delivery person to bark at: I don’t bark at visitors, but I have been known to occasionally whine for food.
Favorite meeting to sit in on: Lunch counts as a meeting, right?

Dog’s name: Benny
Hair type: Wavy – thick
Hair goals: Deep condition, anti-frizz, hydrate, and shine.
Favorite toy: My little orange ball. It’s perfect and it’s mine.
Favorite person to visit at Function of Beauty: My mom says I’m not quiet enough to visit the office yet.
Favorite treat: strawberries and blueberries!
Favorite post-work activity: Running around the dog park with my friends.
Favorite nap area: My mom’s lap. She says I’m too big now, but I tend to disagree.
Favorite delivery person to bark at: I’m more of a bark for attention kind of dog.
Favorite meeting to sit in on: See answers above.