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Girlstart On Women’s History Month

BY Laura Casciola

Our partnership with Girlstart felt especially important this month as we focus on acknowledging and celebrating women and their power. Here’s what our conversation with our friends at Girlstart sounded like when we talked about women this month, and every month. 

Us: How was Girlstart founded?

Girlstart: We were founded over 25 years ago by Rachel Muir, a woman who wanted to support girls in underserved communities. She wanted all girls to have access to STEM experiments and materials. She knew women needed more representation in STEM fields and started Girlstart to make that happen.

Us: What does Women’s History Month mean to you?

Girlstart: It’s about celebrating the women who came before us and those who are currently breaking down barriers and making change should be celebrated everyday! However, this month is a great time to reflect on what change still needs to happen for women of the world and how we can make that change transpire.

Us: Tell us more about that change and what needs to happen.

Girlstart: Men still dominate the professional STEM fields, women of color are especially underrepresented and women, in general, are traditionally underpaid for their work in STEM. We need to continue to introduce girls to STEM at a young age so they are able to feel brave, creative, and curious about STEM and set goals to become STEM professionals if the work is exciting to them. We need more female representation in the STEM world to help solve some of our greatest challenges. 

Us: How does this relate to the Girlstart mission?

Girlstart: Our mission is to encourage girls to be confident in STEM and know that STEM is everywhere! Girls can choose any type of career or hobby, and most likely, science,technology, engineering, and/or math will be involved. We honor women who paved the way and celebrate women who are currently solving some of our world’s greatest challenges.

Us: How can people get involved this month in helping to create this change?

Girlstart: For those that want to be involved with Girlstart and be a changemaker, there are many ways to help. You can support our future female STEM leaders by making a donation to girlstart summer camp at You can volunteer for a more hands-on experience at Or, if you want to test your own STEM skills, go to and challenge yourself!