Do you follow your monthly horoscope? Do you enjoy talking about all things hair care-related? Yes? Then you’re going to love our monthly (hair)oscopes! At the beginning of each month, our resident hairstylist/astrologer Dylan Chavles will look to the cosmos to reveal what the month has in store for both you and your hair. See what lies ahead for your love life, career, potential new haircut, and more below!

My fiery ram! This year kicks off with Mars in your 9th house, begging you to share everything you’ve learned over the past few months. 2019 was a lot of introspection and digestion of information for you, and 2020 is about applying it to the outside world. January starts with Saturn and Pluto conjunct in your 10th house of career and authority. This aspect gives you the structure you need to deal with a much needed major shift in your work environment. This could be anything from a big promotion, to a complete change in what you want to do for work. You have the most energy of all the zodiac signs, you just don’t always know where to direct it. If you’re ready for it, Saturn is disciplinary and will guide all of your learning and fire onto the right path. On a lighter note, Venus will join Neptune in your 12th house. This aspect has an incredible ability to bring new soulmates into your life, or bring back old flames. Whether you decide to meet someone new or send a “lol how have you been?” text to someone you haven’t seen in a while, make sure your hair’s ready to have its moment to shine with a smoothing, lightweight hair serum.

Hello, to my bulls! January starts off with a big message for you to study! The world’s biggest astrological shift, Saturn and Pluto being conjunct, takes place this month, and for you, it will affect your house of travel and higher knowledge. Saturn and Pluto bring significant long term changes, and they will persuade you to dive deep into a new study or expand your knowledge on something that you’re already pretty knowledgeable about. This could be anything from quantum physics to making pasta. However, whatever you decide to focus on will have a lasting impact on the way you operate in the world. On a dreamy note, Neptune and Venus will meet up in your 11th house, which focuses on your social circles. Venus and Neptune in this house usually suggest a friendship turning romantic, so be open to falling in love with a friend if you’re single. Venus also rules love AND beauty, so don’t neglect your hair care regimen and be sure to stock up on the tailored shampoo and conditioner you poured so much love into making a few months ago.

Hello, Gemini! You get to start the year off with Mars in your house of relationships. Mars will make it easier to get closer to the people you want to be closer to, so take the time this month to love your loved ones more, and maybe reach out to someone you’ve been wanting to get to know. Venus will join Neptune in your 10th house, bringing a lot of opportunities for you to bring creativity into your workplace. Neptune is also a psychic planet, so listen to your gut about work decisions you want to make, and be extra aware of artistic ideas that come through this month Maybe use your heightened creativity and psychic abilities to channel a new hairstyle for 2020!

My sweet crab, welcome to the new year! The lunar eclipse is happening in your house of self, so get out of your little crab shell and shine. The lunar eclipse wants you to stop hiding your identity in your relationships and work, and start standing on your own two feet. The Saturn and Pluto conjunct in your 7th house of relationships also kicks off this month, really forcing you to examine your relationships, whether they be romantic or platonic. You have a big heart and share most, if not all of it, with those you love, but it’s time to look at where you might fall short showing yourself the same love. January wants you to figure out how to bring all that love you give everyone else to yourself. For example, treating yourself to a customized hair mask before you buy your friend one is a great way for you to start off your self-care journey this year.

My fiery Leo! A warm welcome to the month of intuition. Go buy yourself a dream journal right now, because the lunar eclipse in your 12th house of spirituality is going to give you an abundance of knowledge through your dreams. January is asking you to dip your toes in the existential and to stop beating yourself up for maybe not feeling so social this month. The universe is asking you to give yourself peace of mind, whatever that may be for you. Look into activities that make you feel creative, calm, and loved. The new moon at the end of the month takes place in your house of relationships, potentially bringing someone new in your life, or setting a flame under parts of your current relationship that feel lackluster. If your hair is feeling lackluster, I suggest getting a trim instead of setting fire to that too.

Hello, Virgos! I hope you’re ready to socialize! The lunar eclipse this month is going to ask you who makes you happy and who sucks the life out of you. Look out for these signs this month, because you’re going to be very busy creatively with the people who make you feel at home. January is setting you up for an exciting new community of love and creativity. Saturn and Pluto will be conjunct for the first time in 30 years, and for you, in particular, it’ll be in your house of love and creativity. This transit is going to remind you to have fun with everything you’re doing. You’re notoriously the most hard-working sign of the zodiac, but you have to remember that life is short, and you can have fun while you work! Neptune also enters your house of relationships this month with Venus, concocting a perfect recipe for a potential new soulmate. I suggest treating your new partner to a well thought out and personally tailored shampoo and conditioner because nothing says “I love you” like good quality hair care.

Lovely Libras! Are you itching to move? January sets the tone for the year, with a Saturn and Pluto conjunct for the first time in 30 years. These planets will collide in your 4th house of home and family, making you really question what and where home is to you. This could result in a physical move or a mental move. If it’s mental, this aspect is asking you to look at old patterns that you’ve inherited from your upbringing. If there are habits or thought patterns that don’t work for you anymore that came from your home, Saturn and Pluto are going to help guide you through them and leave them behind. Neptune also enters your 6th house of work and health, which is excellent for following your intuition in regards to work. Neptune is mysterious and creative and will help show you the benefits of your labor when you least expect it. So, if you’ve been toiling away and unsure if it’s going to pay off, leave your doubt in the dust! But if you’re still unsure about your hair color, Neptune, unfortunately, can’t help you there, so I suggest seeking out a professional opinion instead.

My dear Scorpios, let’s start the month off with some financial responsibility (boring, but necessary)! Mars enters your 2nd house of material goods and finance, nudging you to tie off any loose monetary ends. January sets you up to consider your communication skills on every level. Saturn and Pluto are conjunct for the first time in 30 years in your house of communication, giving you an opportunity to shift toxic communication patterns. Whether it’s the way you speak to yourself, or the way you’re not speaking your truth, or the way you don’t directly communicate with others (we know you love a mind game), Saturn and Pluto and going to challenge you to change old habits for the better. This is a perfect time to take up a meditation practice, and also learn to listen to your gut. We know you have the strongest intuition of the 12 signs, so why don’t you channel that psychic energy into figuring out what restorative hair mask would benefit your hair the most for 2020?

Hello, to my fiery Sagittarius! Let’s get comfortable with the material things in life. The beginning of the month kicks off with Mars in your sign, giving you an extra confidence boost for January. You’ll need this energy to gear up for Saturn and Pluto conjunct in your 2nd house of material goods. This aspect is asking you to restructure your relationship with finances. Are you horrible with money? Saturn is going to sit you down and force you to be smarter with it. Are you working a 9-5 that you dread? Pluto is going to make it nearly impossible for you to stay. Big changes are never comfortable, but life is too short to risk remaining stagnant in situations that don’t serve you anymore. So, while you’re spearheading your dream job, and doing your taxes on time, make sure you don’t leave your hair care routine in the dust, and up your game with a multitasking leave-in treatment made just for your hair.

Happy birthday to my Capricorns! This year celebrates YOU with my favorite karmic heavy hitters Saturn and Pluto conjunct in your sign and your 1st house of self. These two planets haven’t been conjunct since the 1980s, making this is a rare and revolutionary time for you to take a hold of what you want in your life. Saturn will give you the strength and discipline to pull through whatever goal you set your mind to, and Pluto is there for you to set fire to anything that gets in the way of your accomplishments. This also means Pluto and Saturn might pull the rug on behavior that no longer serves you, so pay close attention to old habits and thought patterns that have hindered your growth in the past. Jupiter, the planet of luck, is also in your first house this year and will help make this rollercoaster ride a lot smoother. Maybe you should invest in a protective leave-in treatment to help keep your ends smooth while you ride the wave. Surfs up!

Happy birthday, Aquarians! Feeling lonely? You can stop now because the universe literally starts your year off with the gift of friendship. Mars enters your 11th house, making it easier than usual for you to deeply connect with people. Take this month to really evaluate the friendships you have, and open up to new ones that make you feel invigorated and powerful. Relish in that while the lunar eclipse asks you to heal yourself emotionally this month. January is asking you to spend time doing activities that make you feel whole and healthy. This might entail setting boundaries with someone who’s crossed the line, going to bed before 3 AM, or taking the time to create the perfect hair mask!

Happy New Year Pisces! January kicks off with Mars entering your 10th house, asking you to look outwards for the beginning of this year. This placement combined with the lunar eclipse in your 5th house of creativity is asking you to look at how you could include something creative in your work life if you tend to keep the two separate. Another powerful aspect to keep in mind for the year is Saturn and Pluto entering your 11th house. These planets also might bring an inspiring mentor into your life, or they might yank out the mentor in you! This combination will also push you to form strong and meaningful bonds with people, and maybe cut some out that don’t serve you anymore. If your hairdresser hasn’t inspired you lately, maybe kick off the year by finding a new one that will push you outside of your comfort zone.
Illustrations by Nicole Wang