While we’re not really about that “new year, new you” life here at Function of Beauty (who says you need to change anything about yourself at the start of every year, anyway?), there is something undeniably alluring about the fresh start that the new year brings—especially when that new year also just so happens to be the start of a whole new decade. But while others may see January as a time to “fix” or drastically “change” something about themselves, we like to see it as an opportunity to re-establish the personal goals we’d like to set for ourselves in the months ahead—particularly when it comes to our hair care routine. Like so many people, there were definitely times in the past year we could have been a little kinder to our strands, which is why we’re using this time to set some new #hairgoals for ourselves as we continue to work towards kicking our old bad habits to the curb.
To help kick start our new year of healthier and happier hair, we got five of our team members to share the new year’s resolutions they’re making for their strands in 2020 in the hopes of inspiring your own hair resolutions. From limiting heat styling to experimenting with a new hairstyle, see what the Function of Beauty team is hoping to accomplish in the year ahead, and how we plan to (hopefully) get there.

Helen — Associate Innovation Manager
Hair profile: straight, fine, normal
2020 hair goal: My goal is to grow out all of the color damage that I’ve done to my hair and eventually chop it off so that I can finally go back to my natural hair color for the first time since the beginning of high school!
How I plan to do it: After years of coloring my hair and dealing with the resulting damage, I’ve decided to transition my hair back to its natural color. My first step is to update my Function of Beauty formula to include the lengthen, replenish hair, and deep condition hair goals to help bring it back to a healthy state. I’m also going to add the reduce brassiness hair goal to it to help keep my color looking fresh and brass-free for as long as I can while I wait for it to grow out. Eventually, I’ll also get a new cut to go with my new dye-free lifestyle, but until then, I’ll just try to stay away from my colorist and maybe invest in good at-home gloss in the meantime.

Maria — Digital Manager
Hair profile: Wavy, medium, normal
2020 hair goal: It may sound simple, but my goal in 2020 is to just be kinder to my hair. After years of practicing poor hair care habits, I’d like to give my strands the care and attention they deserve.
How I plan to do it: For starters, I’m going to switch out my cotton bath towel for a softer micro-fiber towel and trade in my regular hairbrush for a wide-tooth comb to help prevent breakage. I’m also going to be more diligent about applying my custom leave-in treatment to my hair before heat styling it to help prevent my strands from becoming dry and damaged. It’s all about the baby steps!

Sloane — PR Manager
Hair profile: wavy, medium, dry
2020 hair goal: I want to finally figure out out how to style and wear my naturally wavy hair…and not just when it’s humid outside or when I’m at the beach (#salt). I’d also really like to experiment with a different haircut or style.
How I plan to do it: While my hair is naturally wavy, I’ve never really figured out how to bring out my natural waves without the help of saltwater and summer humidity. This year, I’m going to try changing that though by experimenting with a few different air-drying techniques, including braiding my hair before bed to help enhance my wave pattern while it dries. I’m also hoping my new custom hair serum will help tame some of my unwanted frizz so my wavy hair looks healthy and shiny, not frizzy and out of control.

Afshan — Associate Social Manager
Hair profile: wavy, medium, oily
2020 hair goal: My goal is to cut back on the amount of heat styling that I do and to let my hair dry naturally more often. I also want to be more diligent about incorporating a deep conditioning mask into my regular hair care routine.
How I plan to do it: I currently heat style my hair a lot and would like to try cutting back on that. In addition to just air-drying my hair more often, I also want to try experimenting with different no-heat hairstyles so that my hair still feels done and polished but without all of the heat damage. I’ve also made a promise to my hair that I would start using my custom hair mask at least once a week to help nourish it back to life.

Alyssa — Editor
Hair profile: straight, fine, oily
2020 hair goal: I want to grow out my lob (minus the split ends) in time for my wedding later this year.
How I plan to do it: I recently added the lengthen, strengthen, and nourish roots hair goals to my Function of Beauty formula to help keep my hair strong and healthy as it continues to grow out. I also recently swapped out my regular hairbrush for a wide-tooth comb to help limit the amount of damage and breakage that’s done to my extra-fine strands.