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The Absolute Best Songs to Listen to While You Hair Mask

BY Alyssa Montemurro

If you’re anything like us you’ll likely agree that weekends were made for hair masks. Hair benefits aside, there’s something about applying a reparative mask at the end of a long, busy week that is not only relaxing but also downright good for the soul. It is truly self-care at its finest. Still, even the most devoted hair mask fans among us will agree that those 5 to 30 minutes of just standing around while you wait for your mask to works its magic can feel like an eternity. (Seriously, does time just stop in those moments, or what?) Being the hair mask aficionados that we are—in case you missed it, we recently launched our own 100% customizable hair mask—it’s a problem that we’re well-versed in, and one that we believe we’ve solved with one simple solution: great music.  

Whatever your musical taste may be, there’s nothing quite like belting out a tune while you shower. That’s why, to help you pass the time (and brush up on your shower singing skills while you’re at it), we’ve scoured our combined Spotify accounts to create the ultimate playlist of songs that let’s just say, really speak to the hair masking experience. From current chart-toppers to those classic oldies but goodies, shower tunes truly don’t get much better than this. So this weekend, join us by applying your customized hair mask and listening (or singing) along with our specially curated ‘Mask With Me’ playlist below!

Ready to experience happier hair days? Head here to customize your own Function of Beauty hair mask!